Experience the power of Reiki and shift into an empowered space of balance and clarity.
These guided meditation and Reiki Energy Healing sessions are a great opportunity for you to release the stresses of daily life and harmonize your mind and body, while receiving beautiful and high vibrational energy.
Suzanne will be taking you through the guided meditation while Pam, an experienced Reiki Master, will be sending the Reiki energy. Pam specializes in restoring the natural rhythm of the body for optimal wellness.
Reiki is an effective energetic technique that can promote wellbeing on all levels — physical, emotional, and mental. Reiki works on the biofield, the energy field around us that regulates our body and mind, to restore the body’s natural energy flow. With the stresses and demands of modern life, many people’s biofields are out of balance, which can manifest as physical and emotional issues. Reiki energy means “universal life force energy,” and it can give the body and mind the “energy boost” it needs to return to a state of balance and wellbeing.
This is a great opportunity to experience the energy that Pam normally offers in private paid sessions.
This events will be on Zoom. Participants can have video and audio turned off, but you can still comment in the chat box. There's no need to make an account or download the app — you can join from your browser by going to the Zoom link and clicking "Join from your browser."
The entire session will is around 30 minutes.
Please click HERE to register.
Did you know that there are always angels around us? They are brilliant etheric beings that are here to help and support you whenever you need it. If you need guidance or clarity around relationships, career/finances, or any other area of your life, the angels can help with their insight and wisdom.
Messages from Your Angels is a group intuitive reading event where you will have the opportunity to receive healing messages and guidance from your angels around anything you may be concerned about or need clarity about. Suzanne will be facilitating the event and communicating the messages on behalf of the angels. She is a gifted intuitive, channeler, medium, and Reiki Master Teacher.
Each person in the group will receive personal messages from the angels around them. You can ask a specific question or just be open to the messages that are coming in for you.
The event will be on Zoom and the group size is limited to 10 people so that each person has time to receive their angel messages.
Event Fee: $44
To register please click here.
Cancellation Policy:
72 hour notice is required to reschedule an appointment or class. There are no refunds on missed/cancelled appointments, coursework, or classes. We have no cancellation policy for any programs after the first 72 hours that you sign up and or make payment. If you choose to withdraw from any program after the initial 72 hours time frame, you forfeit all monies that you gave to Academy of Reiki.